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April is National Volunteer Month

April is National Volunteer Month! We’d like to take this opportunity to celebrate and show appreciation for our dedicated volunteers, and to highlight the importance of an ongoing commitment to volunteering. We are only able to address food insecurity in Chester County because of the immense support that we receive from both volunteers and donors alike. Without committed volunteers who return month after month, year after year…there simply would not be a Chester County Food Bank!

Volunteer Month is a great time to get involved.  The temperatures are rising and Spring is here so we’ll be adding more volunteer opportunities each month. Be sure to check our calendar regularly for new openings.

national volunteer month

In honor of National Volunteer Month, here are some interesting tidbits about volunteering:

The Value of Your Time

Did you know that there’s a dollar amount equivalent to volunteer service? The estimated value of volunteer service in Pennsylvania is $29.78/hour (a 6.4% increase from 2021). That amounts to $495,837 estimated value of the 16,650 volunteer hours for the Chester County Food Bank in 2023!

By the Numbers

According to the United States Census Volunteering in America and the Americorp Volunteering and Civic Life in America most recent reports (2021), reveals that despite the devastating impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. population continued to serve each other and their communities — giving their time and talent to help others at a time of unprecedented need.

Here are some quick facts about volunteering nationwide and in Pennsylvania:

Reasons to Volunteer

Throughout April, make time to share your time, talent, and compassion to make an impact in our own backyard. We honor your invaluable contributions and invite others to join us in the spirit of service.

If you haven’t volunteered with the Food Bank before, you may ask yourself ‘Why should I?’. Here are some great reasons why you should give us a try. Volunteering with us can:

Have more questions about volunteering or ready to lend a hand?  Visit our website to learn more and register for a volunteer opportunity!

Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.” – Dr. Seuss

Learn more about how you can get involved with the Chester County Food Bank? Check out opportunities or sign up for our Monthly Scoop newsletter.

The Chester County Food Bank is the central hunger relief organization serving more than 160 food cupboards, meal sites, and social service organizations throughout Chester County. We take a steadfast approach to provide food and build support in the neediest communities while raising awareness and engagement among our community.

Editor’s Note: This post has been updated for accuracy and comprehensiveness.