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Growing Healthy Kids

Exploration and Development

Holistic Learning

kids gardening and cooking

Children who rely on school breakfast and lunch programs during the school year often face hunger when classrooms and cafeterias are closed – be that over the weekend, during the holidays, and over the summer. We provide nutritious meals that kids need to continue growing and learning, even when school isn’t in session.

Our Kids Gardening and Cooking Programs provide hands on learning opportunities for thousands of children as they practice growing and cooking delicious fresh vegetables. Through our partners, we target the highest need children of our county. We believe that providing children with fresh food is essential to strengthening their health and nutrition. Pairing healthy food access with educational opportunities encourages children to try new foods and find enjoyment in the process. Through gardening and cooking programs, children develop a taste for fresh fruits and vegetables and the foundation of life-long skills. This helps support parents in making healthy food approachable for their children. Gardening lessons include topics like garden planning and planting, parts of the plant, composting, soil health, food webs, and more.

We offer a range of recipes, many even young children would be able to prepare themselves. In addition to recipes featuring fresh foods, we also provide simple recipes for children who may only have non-perishable food and microwave at home.

1 in 5 school age children in Chester County is food insecure.

Food & Wellness for Kids

When kids receive the food they need to thrive, they’re positioned for better health, greater academic success, and a lifetime of better outcomes. Together, our programs represent a well-rounded set of strategies to fill service gaps in the community for ensuring access to real, healthy food for children in Chester County.