Serving Chester County
Strategic & Inclusive Food Distribution
Chester County Food Bank plays a central role in ensuring families, individuals and seniors have the nutritious food they need. As a lifeline to those in need, we ensure access to nutritious and familiar food by managing a variety of distribution strategies to reach diverse households throughout the county.
Distribution By the Numbers:
43% Purchased • 39% Government • 18% Donated
Distribution to our Community Partners
Whether a partner site needs fresh foods, non-perishable foods, pre-made meals, pre-boxed foods, or a combination, we work with each agency to provide the right type and quantity of food while accommodating cultural preferences. We provide anything from weekly distributions, seasonal pop-up markets, to intermittent emergency support. Partners have the option to partake in two government food programs The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP) and the State Food Purchase Program (SFPP), though many exclusively receive purchased and donated foods.