Helping Our Community Thrive
Helping Our Neighbors Live Healthier Lives
Health care providers are another key partner as we continue to develop a deeper understanding of the link between food insecurity and health. We work with health clinics and hospitals to provide food and programming to those who have been identified as food insecure. Hospitals and health clinics account for 7% of our distribution network.
Through our partnerships with Healthcare Providers, we screen and identify food insecure patients who then receive our Prenatal Grocery Boxes and participate in our Fruit & Vegetable Prescription Program, our prescription program for fresh fruits and vegetables.
We have also leveraged our healthcare partnerships to provide combined COVID-19 vaccine and food distribution events.
Interested in receiving Fruit & Vegetable Prescription?
Fruit & Vegetable Prescription is a collaboration between CCFB and our local healthcare partners. Fruit & Vegetable Prescription provides food-insecure households and individuals in Chester County with greater access to fresh fruits and vegetables, increasing participants’ consumption of fresh produce and overall well-being. The program also advocates for and educates on, food as medicine.